Relaxation Room

Box Breathing

Time 2mins
Blog Masthead_Box Breathing

Box breathing or square breathing involves taking slow, deep breaths while visualising and tracing the shape of a box or square.


Also known as square breathing, the box breathing technique is a simple yet effective relaxation technique that involves taking really slow, deep breaths whilst visualizing the shape of a box or square. Think of it as “drawing” your breath. Chuckle, chuckle. Did you get that?

The technique is even used by Navy SEALs to help them stay calm and focused in high-pressure situations. If it works for them, then it should definitely help you chill out hard, right?

What’s more, it can also help lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety and stress, improve focus and concentration, and promote relaxation. That’ right, it's good for your mind and body.

You may think, therefore, that it must be quite a difficult thing to do. Nope, not at all. Box breathing is super easy. By focusing on your breath and visualizing the shape of a box (or in this case a box of KitKats haha), you can slow down your heart rate and promote relaxation.

Let's all take a deep breath together and relax. Having a KitKat as a companion for this relaxation journey is highly recommended. Here’s how to do the box breathing technique:


1. Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won't be disturbed.

2. Sit or lie down and get comfortable.

3. Take a few deep breaths and focus on your breath. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth.

4. Visualise the shape of a box or square. Yes, this is where the name comes from.

5. Imagine tracing the outline of the box with your breath.

6. Inhale slowly for four counts, filling your lungs completely. Visualise tracing the side of the box upwards.

7. Hold your breath for four counts, visualising tracing across the top of the box.

8. Exhale slowly for four counts, emptying your lungs completely. Visualise tracing the other side of box downwards.

9. Hold your breath for four counts, visualising tracing across the bottom of the box. You’ll end up back where you started.


Repeat this cycle for several minutes, or until you feel relaxed and calm.

Blog Masthead_Progressive Muscle Relaxation


Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is a technique that involves tensing and relaxing different muscle groups to build awareness of tension.



Harvard Health Publishing. 2019. “Relaxation techniques: Breath control helps quell errant stress response.” [Online] Available: (Accessed: 10 November 2023).

Stinson. A. 2019. “What is box breathing?” Medical News Today. [Online] Available: (Accessed: 10 November 2023).

Scott. E. 2020. “Box Breathing Techniques and Benefits”. Very Well Mind [Online] Available: (Accessed: 10 November 2023).